Rakshaa Bandhan / Raakhi


01. Everything about Raakhi Date & Time
02. Importance
03. History
04. The Legends
05. Traditions & Customs
06. Meaning & Significance
07. Celebrations
08. Raakhi Purnima
09. Regional and Scriptural Names
10. Raakhi
11. Raakhi for Brother
12. Avani Avittam / Upakramam
13. Kajari Purnima
14. Nariyal Purnima
15. Pavitropana
16. Raakhi in India,
17. Gift Traditions
18. Gift Ideas
19. Return Gift Traditions
20. Return Gifts for Sisters
21. How to Make a Raakhi?
22. How to Make a Card
23. Recipes
24. Poems
25. Thali Decoration

Raakhi is basically a sacred thread of Raakhi is basically a sacred thread of protection embellished with the love and affection of a sister for her brother. This day is also known as Rakshaa Bandhan and celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Shravana in India. This frail of thread of Raakhi is considered as stronger than iron chains as it binds the most beautiful relationship in an inseparable bond of love and trust. Raakhi festival also has a social significance because it underlines the notion that everybody should live in harmonious coexistence with each other.

Not a single festival in India is complete without the typical Indian festivities, the gatherings, celebrations, exchange of sweets and gifts, lots of noise, singing and dancing. Rakshaa Bandhan is a regional celebration to celebrate the sacred relation between brothers and sisters. Primarily, this festival belongs to north and western region of India but soon the world has started celebrating this festival with the same verse and spirit. Raakhi has become an integral part of those customs.

An insight of Raakhi Rituals

On the day of Raakhi, sisters prepares the pooja thali with diya, roli, chawal, raakhi thread and sweets. The ritual begins with a prayer in front of God, then the sister ties Raakhi to her brother and wishes for his happiness and well-being. In turn, the brother acknowledge the love with a promise to stand by his sister through all the good and bad times.

Sisters tie Raakhi on the wrist of their brothers amid chanting of mantras, put roli and rice on his forehead and pray for his well-being. She bestows him with gifts and blessings. In turn, brothers also wish her a good life and pledges to take care of her. He gives her a return gift. The gift symbolises the physical acceptance of her love, reminder of their togetherness and his pledge. The legends and the reference in history repeated, the significance of the festival is emphasised.

Conditional Bond of Love

Rakshaa bandhan has been celebrated in the same way with the same traditions for many years. Only the means have changed with the changing lifestyle to make the celebration more elaborate and lively. This day has an inherent power that pulls the siblings together. The increasing distances evoke the desire to be together even more. All brothers and sisters try to reach out to each other on this auspicious day. The joyous meeting, the rare family get-together, that erstwhile feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood calls for a massive celebration.

For everyone, it is an opportunity to reunion and celebrate. People also share tasty dishes, wonderful sweets and exchange gifts. It is a time to share their past experiences also. For those who are not able to meet each other, raakhi cards and e-raakhis and raakhis through mails perform the part of communicating the raakhi messages. Hand made raakhis and self-made raakhi cards are just representation of the personal feelings of the siblings.


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01. Everything about Raakhi Date & Time

Rakshaa Bandhan on Thursday, 31st August 2023

Rakshaa Bandhan Thread Ceremony Time – Different time and different place, See website
Aparahna Time Raksha Bandhan Muhurath – Different time and different place, See website
Raksha Bandhan Bhadra End Time – Different time and different place, See website
Raksha Bandhan Bhadra Punchha – Different time and different place, See website
Raksha Bandhan Bhadra Mukha – Different time and different place, See website
Purnima Tithi Begins – Different time and different place, See website
Purnima Tithi Ends – Different time and different place, See website

How Rakshaa Bandhan is celebrated?

Raakhi essentially celebrates the bond between brothers and sister. Indeed the word Rakshaa Bandhan signifies the bond of protection. There’s a fully fledged ceremony on the day in the presence of all the members of the family. Everyone dresses to look the best and then it all begins.

Sisters prepare the Raakhi Puja thali beautifully and put sweets, Roli Chawal, Raakhi and Diya inside the thali. The put on Tika on their brothers’ forehead, tie Raakhi on their brothers’ wrist, feed them with sweets and then perform the Aarthi ritual. Brothers’ in return present wonderful gifts along with a promise to protect their sisters in every circumstance.

The most suitable time for carrying out the Raakhi tying ritual is during afternoon (as per the Hindu division of the day), or Aparahna. In case of the unavailability of the Aparahna time, it may also be performed during Pradosh time.

What makes Rakshaa Bandhan special?

It’s an interesting question! The Rakshaa thread is considered as special way of showing faith in the sacred relationship between brothers and sisters. The meaning of protection it holds from last many years. There have been many stories in the past that shows its significance. In ancient times, saints used to ties Rakshaa threads on their followers’ wrist and that acted as a blessing. It was believed that this thread will act as a protection shield during any kind of battle. And, Rakshaa Bandhan therefore acts as a special way of providing a “magical protection shield” to sisters’/brothers’. This delicate thread has the power to wash away and free one from all the sins and that makes the occasion a special day.

2022: August 11th
2021: August 22nd
2020: August 03rd
2019: August 15th
2018: August 26th
2017: August 07th
2016: August 18th
2015: August 29th
2014: August 10th
2013: August 20th
2012: August 02nd
2011: August 13th
2010: August 24th

02. Importance of Rakshaa Bandhan

Around mid-August, Hindus all over the world celebrate Rakshaa bandhan. “Rakshaa” means protection, and “bandhan” means bound or binding.

In North India, the occasion is popularly called Raakhi, Rakshaa Bandhan or Rakshaa Bandhan- the tying of an amulet.

In ancient times a woman tied a ‘rakshaa’ on her husband’s wrist to protect him from evil. Gradually this changed; she tied a ‘rakshaa’ on her brother’s right wrist, to protect him from evil influence and those factors which may taint his character, and to strengthen the bond of sibling love between them. On the occasion of Rakshaa Bandhan she visits her brother’s home and performs his ‘pujan’ by applying kumkum and rice grains on his forehead. In return the brother gives her a gift and vows to protect her too. The ‘rakhadi’ for rakshaa bandhan itself ranges from a coloured cotton string to exquisitely decorated balls of various sizes and materials such as fluffy cotton, ‘zari’ paper, tinsel, beads and so on.

On Rakshaa Bandhan a second imortance relates to ‘Baleva’ and our devotion to the Lord. Just as Bali Raja offered devotion to Lord Narayan by sacrificing his kingdom and himself, devotees should endeavor to emulate him. That is the true spirit of Baleva.

Rakshaa bandhan day is important for the priests too, as they tie raakhis on their patrons wrist and in return receive offerings from them. In some parts of the country it is customary to draw figures on the walls of their home and worship them with offerings of vermilion and kheer. The imprints of palms are also put on either side of the entrance and raakhis are stuck on them as part of rakshaa bandhan rituals. Some parts of India also reserve Rakshaa Bandhan day importance for the sacred thread changing ceremony when the young brahmin boys discard the old one and don a new one ritualistically. However, on rakshaa bandhan it is the emotions which are important. The rakshaa bandhan ceremony performed is the symbolic everlasting bond between brothers and sisters that reinforces ties between them even across continents, and it is the one which has the most importance on this auspicious day.


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03. Rakshaa Bandhan in History

The traditional Hindu festival ‘Rakshaa Bandhan’ (knot of protection) was came into origin about 6000 years back when Aryans created first civilisation – The Indus Valley Civilisation. With many languages and cultures, the traditional method to Raakhi festival celebration differs from place to place across India. Following are some historical evidences of Rakshaa Bandhan celebration from the Indian history.

Rani Karnawati and Emperor Humayun

The story of Rani Karnavati and Emperor Humayun is the most significant evidence in the history. During the medieval era, Rajputs were fighting Muslim invasions. Raakhi at that time meant a spiritual binding and protection of sisters was foremost. When Rani Karnawati the widowed queen of the king of Chittor realised that she could in no way defend the invasion of the Sultan of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah, she sent a raakhi to Emperor Humayun. The Emperor touched by the gesture started off with his troops without wasting any time.

Alexander The Great and King Puru

The oldest reference to the festival of raakhi goes back to 300 B.C. at the time when Alexander invaded India. It is said that the great conqueror, King Alexander of Macedonia was shaken by the fury of the Indian king Puru in his first attempt. Upset by this, Alexander’s wife, who had heard of the Raakhi festival, approached King Puru. King Puru accepted her as his sister and when the opportunity came during the war, he refrained from Alexander.

Lord Krishna and Draupathi

In order to protect the good people, Lord Krishna killed the evil King Shishupal. Krishna was hurt during the war and left with bleeding finger. Seeing this, Draupathi had torn a strip of cloth from her sari and tied around his wrist to stop the bleeding. Lord Krishna, realising her affections and concern about him, declared himself bounded by her sisterly love. He promised her to repay this debt whenever she need in future. Many years later, when the pandavas lost Draupathi in the game of dice and Kauravas were removing her saari, Krishna helped her divinely elongating the saari so that they could not remove it.

King Bali and Goddess Lakshmi

The demon king Mahabali was a great devotee of lord Vishnu. Because of his immense devotion, Vishnu has taken the task of protecting bali’s Kingdom leaving his normal place in Vikundam. Goddess lakshmi – the wife of lord Vishnu – has became sad because of this as she wanted lord Vishnu along with her. So she went to Bali and discussed as a Brahmin woman and taken refuge in his palace. On Shravana purnima, she tied Raakhi on King Bali’s wrist. Goddess Lakshmi revealed who she is and why she is there. The king was touched by Her and Lord Vishnu’s good will and affection towards him and his family, Bali requested Lord Vishnu to accompany her to vaikuntam. Due to this festival is also called Baleva as Bali Raja’s devotion to the Lord vishnu. It is said that since that day it has become a tradition to invite sisters on sravan pournima to tie sacred thread of Raakhi or Rakshaa bandan.


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04. The Legends of Raakhi

The Shravana or the monsoon month carries all hues and shades of nature and emotions. Religiously speaking Shravan is a pious month and full moon of this all-important month is considered to be a very holy day. It is celebrated in different ways for different reasons almost throughout the country.

For the siblings it is the eternal tie of love, for Brahmins the day to take the pledge of Brahmanik rites and for those who depend sea and monsoon, it is the beginning of the new season.

Indian festivals are based on the weather changes and their significance in the lives of people but they do have a story to support the celebrations. The rich Indian Mythology provides a religious reason to celebrate the day in a specific way. Many epics are related to the day and the origin of Rakshaa Bandhan. The festival finds a mention in most of the epics and its origin can be traced back to the mythological Pouranik times.

The legend in the Bhavishya Puran

The legend refers to a war between the Gods and the Demons. The demon King Brutra was advancing and the Gods lead by lord Indra, were on verge of defeat. The king of Gods, Indra approached Guru Brihaspati to find a solution to the situation. Brihaspati asked Indra to tie a sacred thread on his wrist, powered by the sacred mantras on the Shravan Purnima. Lord Indra’s Queen Sachi also called Indrani, empowered the thread and tied it on to his hand on the decided day. The power of the sacred thread called Rakshaa helped the Gods to victory.

The tradition of thread tying still continues. It is a gesture of goodwill.

The legend of King Bali and Goddess Laxmi According to another legend Demon King Bali was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu had taken up the task to guard his kingdom leaving his own abode in Vaikunth. Goddess Laxmi wished to be with her lord back in her abode. She went to Bali disguised as a Brahmin woman to seek refuge till her husband came back.

During the Shravan Purnima celebrations, Laxmiji tied the sacred thread to the King. Upon being asked she revealed who she was and why she was there. The king was touched by her goodwill for his family and her purpose and requested the Lord to accompany her. He sacrificed all he had for the Lord and his devoted wife.

Thus the festival is also called Baleva that is Bali Raja’s devotion to the Lord.It is said that since then it has been a tradition to invite sisters in Shravan Purnima for the thread tying ceremony or the Rakshaa Bandhan

Yama and the Yamuna

It is said that the Rakshaa Bandhan was a ritual followed by Lord Yama (the Lord of Death) and his sister Yamuna. Yamuna tied raakhi to Yama and bestowed immortality. Yama was so moved by the serenity of the occasion that he declared thar whoever gets a raakhi tied from his sister and promised her protection will become immortal.

In the Epics

Rakshaa Bandhan finds a mention in Mahabharata when Lord Krishna advised Yudhishthir to perform the ceremony to protect himself and the army from the dangers of the war. It is said that Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas tied raakhi to her grandson Abhimanyu and Draupadi to lord Krishna.


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05. Traditions & Customs

Rakshaa Bandhan is an occasion to celebrate the sacred bond of love and affection between siblings with lots of verve. Also known as Rakshaa Bandhan across the world, this festival is primarily a north Indian festival that is celebrated all brothers and sisters to express their deep emotions, love and affection.

On the day of Raakhi festival, the sister ties Raakhi on the wrist of her brother and both make prayer to God for the well being of each other. Sisters perform ‘aarhti’ and put tilak on the forehead of her brother. In return, brothers make promise to take care of his sister under all circumstances. Usually, brothers gift something to the sister to mark the occasion. The mirth that surrounds the festival is unsurpassed. Amidst the merriment the rituals are also followed with great devotion.

Preparation of Raakhi Festival

Generally, the fancy Raakhis and delicious sweets are prepared long before the Shravana Purnima. According to the Indian tradition, the family members get ready for the rituals early in the morning. They take a bath to purify mind and body before starting any preparations. Sisters prepare the puja thali which consists of roli, tilak, Raakhi threads, rice grains, aggarbattis (incense sticks), diyas and sweets. After offering the rituals to the deities of the family, the sister perform aarthi of their brothers and ties Raakhi on their wrist. Then, they put kumkum powder on the forehead of their brother and offer sweets. All these rituals take place amid the chanting of the following mantras :

“Suraj shakhan chhodian, Mooli chhodia beej
Behen ne raakhi bandhi / Bhai tu chir jug jee”,

Which means “The sun radiates its sunlight, the radish spreads its seeds,
I tie the raakhi to you O brother and wish that may you live long.”

After her prayer for a long life for her brother, she says that she is tie the ever-protective Rakshaa to her brother’s wrist and chants:

“Yena baddho Balee raajaa daanavendro mahaabalah
tena twaam anubadhnaami rakshe maa chala maa chala”

This means,” I tie you the raakhi that was tied to king Bali, the king of Demons,
O Raakhi I pray that you never falter in protecting your devotee.

In return, brothers pampers and blesses the sisters and promises to protect her from all the evils of this world. He also present a token of his love and affection as a Raakhi gift. The rituals performed on Rakshaa Bandhan may differ from place to place but they carry the same aura throughout the globe.


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06. Meaning & Significance of Rakshaa Bandhan

The Meaning of Rakshaa Bandhan

Relationships are the essence of any festivity and it holds true for any Indian festival. Each occasion brings the family together which calls for a celebration. Rakshaa Bandhan is a celebration of one such relation – that of a brother and a sister. This relationship is no where so celebrated as in India. Rakshaa Bandhan is a festival which celebrates the bond of affection between brothers and sisters. It is a day when siblings pray for each others’ well being and wish for each others’ happiness and goodwill.

The name ‘Rakshaa Bandhan’ suggests ‘a bond of protection’. On this auspicious day, brothers make a promise to their sisters to protect them from all harms and troubles and the sisters pray to God to protect their brother from all evil. The festival falls on the Shravan Purnima which comes generally in the month of August. Sisters tie the silk thread called Raakhi on their brother’s wrist and pray for their well being and brothers promise to take care of their sisters.

The Significance

Rakshaa Bandhan is now considered as a day to celebrate the sacred relation of a brother and a sister. Yet there have been examples in history where in raakhi has just been a rakshaa or protection. It could be tied by wife, a daughter or mother. The Rishis tied raakhi to the people who came seeking their blessings. The sages tied the sacred thread to themselves to safe guard them from the evil. It is by all means the ‘Papa Todak, Punya Pradayak Parva’ or the day that bestows boons and end all sins as it is mentioned in the scriptures.

Previously, Raakhi festival encompasses the warmth shared between the siblings but now it goes way beyond it. Some people tie Raakhi to neighbours and close friends signifying a peaceful co-existence of every individual. Raakhi Utsav was first popularised by Rabindranath Tagore to promote the feeling of unity and a commitment to all members of society to protect each other and encourage a harmonious Social life.

In today’s scenario, the day has a different perspective. The occasion involves a pledge of life-time practice of moral, cultural and spiritual values. The values and the sentiments attached to the rituals of this festival are worth inculcating by the whole human race, the sentiments of harmony and peaceful coexistence. The festival of Rakshaa Bandhan assumes all forms of Rakshaa or protection, of righteousness and destroyer of all sin. The ritual of Raakhi tying has become so important that come what may, brothers and sisters try to visit each other place on this particular day tin order to bring back the oneness of the family, binding the family together in an emotional bond of love.




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07. Raakhi Celebrations

In India, Raakhi celebrations are about strengthening the bond of love between brothers and sisters and fostering brotherhood. This festival is not a ritual, custom and tradition that can change over time but its style of celebration has become contemporary. Since ages, Rakshaa Bandhan is being celebrated in the same way. All the traditions are followed with the same enthusiasm. The gaieties have only blown up to a larger scale. Raakhi festival is the celebration of the chaste bond of love amongst the siblings.

Everyone start preparing for this festival much in advance. About a month before the commencement of rakshaa bandhan, you can see fancy and colorful raakhis in every market. Ladies start shopping for raakhi and raakhi gifts quite early. They shop for new clothes and beautiful raakhi gifts specially the one that have to be sent to their brothers staying far. Almost every shop, be it sweet shops, garment shops, gift shops, or any other shop, all are flooded with attractive raakhi gifts to attract people.

The celebration of Raakhi, in India, is well known for its carnival spirit and strengthening the bond of love between brothers and sisters. In fact, India is globally known for its colorful festivals and ever-green tradition. Celebrated with different rituals, family get-together and sweets, Rakshaa Bandhan is about sentiments, love and enjoyment. Like any other festival, raakhi has its unique significance.

On the day of Raakhi festival, the festivity of this auspicious day begin by the day break. After taking bath early morning, people get ready by wearing new clothes and gather for worshiping. After invoking the the blessings of the Gods, the sister performs brother’s aarthi, puts tika and chawal on his forehead and ties Raakhi amongst chanting of mantras. Sisters whole heartedly give sweets to their brothers to eat which in turns add more sweetness in the Rakshaa Bandhan celebration and pray for their well being. In return, brothers pamper their sisters and present beautiful gifts to lure them. They also promise to take care of her and stand by her side in any circumstances.

After performing all these rituals, the whole family reunion to enjoy and have fun. Then all of them share the delicious food, tasty sweets, gifts, music and dance. It is a day to remember all the memorable time spent together for those who, for any reason, are far away from their family. Emotions can also be expressed through e-mails, e-cards, raakhi greeting cards and raakhi through Internet. The overflowing emotions of siblings cannot be stopped on this day.

Rabindra Nath Tagore started gathering of people like ‘Raakhi Mahotsavas’ in Shantiniketan to propogate the feeling of brotherhood among people. He believed that the this will invoke trust and feeling of peaceful coexistence. Rakshaa Bandhan, for them, is a way to harmonise the relationship of humanity. The tradition continues as people started tying raakhis to the neighbor and friends.




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08. Raakhi Purnima

The festival is also known as Raakhi Purnima as it falls on the full moon day of the Hindu month ‘Shravana’. The month of Shravana is the month of gods and pujans (worships) and the full moon day being the most important day of all. Raakhi Purnima is important in more than one way. Since, the festival is celebrated in many states, it is known with many names and rituals but the only thing that does not change is the prayer and pledge for the protection of siblings.

Different regions have different beliefs pertaining to Rakshaa Bandhan and follow different rituals. In the Western Ghats, raakhi is considered to be an offering to Lord Varuna – the Lord of the sea. Lord Varuna is offered Coconuts. On this day, coconuts are thrown into the sea as a ritual. Here, the festival of Raakhi is known as Nariyal Purnima, and it is also marks the beginning of the fishing season.

Avani Avittam in South India

In South India, Rakshaa Bandhan is called Avani Avittam. The festival is important for Brahmins. They first take a holy bath and then change their holy thread (Janeyu) amid chanting the mantras. They take a pledge to perform the brahmanik duties as prescribed in the holy books and adopt a good conduct and dignity. The Janeyu is a representation of the vow for adherence to vedic culture, observance of Hindu traditions and service to humanity. The ceremony is called Shravani or Rishi Tarpan. All Brahmans celebrate it in the same way.

Kajari Purnima in North India

Kajari Purnima is the name by which the festival of Raakhi is known in North India. The festival is celebrated when wheat and barley are sown in this region. Goddess Bhagwati is worshipped and farmers seek her blessings for a good crop. The name Baleva signifies the might of King Bali and his devotion to lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi.

In Gujarat people offer water to the Shivalinga every Monday of the month. On Raakhi Purnima they offer water and pray to God for forgiveness. In one ceremony known as Pavitropana, a few twisted filaments of cotton are soaked in panchagaivya (mixture of cow’s ghee, milk, curd, urine and excreta) and then fastened around a shivalinga.

In Scriptures, Rakshaa Bandhan is described as ‘Punya Pradayak’ which means a day that bestows boons to the generous ‘Vish Tarak’ the destroyer of venom or the vicious ‘Pap Nashak’ the destroyer of sins.




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09. Regional and Scriptural Names of Rakshaabandhan

Owing to its various legends and differences in significance rakshaabandhan is known by different names in different states of India, by different communities. Rakshaabandhan significance also varies with the region. Rakshabaandhan is primarily a North and West Indian Festival but is celebrated in other parts of India as well though the day of Shravan Purnima or Rakshaabandhan has a different significance in southern and coastal regions.

Raakhi – Raakhi is one of the most important festival in India. Festival of Raakhi celebrates the sanctity of the pious relationship that exists between brothers and sisters. Since family and relationships are given supreme importance in India, Raakhi gets its due significance as a festival.

Raakhi Purnima – Raakhi purnima is celebrated in the northern and northwestern parts of India with a lot of zest and esprit. Here Rakshaabandhan is the celebration of the chaste bond of love between a brother and a sister.

Nariyal Purnima – It is called Nariyal Purnima or coconut full moon in the Western Ghats that includes the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka. Here Rakshaabandhan signifies the beginning of a new season for those dependent on sea.

Avani Avittam / Upakarmam – Raakhi Purnima is called Avani Avittam in southern parts of India that is in Kerala, Andhra Peadesh, Tamil Nadu and parts of Orissa and is an Important day for the Brahmins. The day is called Upakarmam by the Brahmins. They change their Holy threads on this day.

Kajari Purnima – The Rakshaabandhan day is called Shravani or Kajari Purnima in Madhya Pradesh, chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar. Rakshaabandhan, here is an important day for farmers and women who have sons.

Pavitropana – The Rakshaabandhan day is celebrated as Pavitropana in Gujarat. Rakshaabandhan is the day when people perform the grand pooja or the worship of the three eyed God, Lord Shiva. It is the culmination of the prayers done through out the year.

Other Names – Every region has a different name and celebration for the Raakhi Purnima. The common link is that tying of raakhi on rakshaabandhan is now performed as a part of all the ceremonies.




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10. Raakhi

Raakhi stands for the celebration of emotions and is also known as Rakshaa Bandhan – the knot of protection. People have a belief that the thread of Raakhi has a strong power to hold the affectionate relation of a brother and sister. Since ages, this festival is being celebrated to cherish the most sacred relation on this globe. The festival of Raakhi is celebrated in almost all the corners of this world and the name of this festival changes as soon as one enters into a new region.

India is worldly known for its strong family based system, therefore, Raakhi is celebrated with lots of hues of love and care. The festivity of Raakhi has been showcasing the eternal love and care between brothers and sisters. This festival of Raakhi is seen as a way of expressing your love for those who are always there in dark days of your life.

Symbol of love and liveliness

This festival is celebrated with lots of love and frolic in India. In addition of tying Raakhis on the wrist of brothers, relishing tempting and mouth watering dishes, exchange of gift items, lots of other elements are also present there in this festival. All these actions collectively make the festival of Raakhi all the more interesting. Raakhis festival is so colorful and enjoyable that people always look forward for this day to arrive.

This day starts with tying a Raakhi thread on the brother’s wrist by the sister. Raakhis are a symbol of love and affection of sisters for their dearest brothers. Brothers likewise understands the true meaning of raakhi and by extending his wrist forward, he promises to protect her from all hardships of life. Sisters also apply kumkum powder on the forehead of their brother and perform aarthi before him for showering their brothers with blessings of god. In other words, Rakshaa Bandhan is a synonym of love and feelings that is shared by siblings.

A day to unite and enjoy

Brothers and sisters from all the corners of this world indulge into joyful and pleasant moments of day by tying a beautiful Raakhi and exchange of gifts. This is considered as the best time to enjoy with your near and dear ones by treating the taste buds with finger-licking dishes and delicious sweets. It is a day to exchange lots of wonderful Raakhi gifts wrapped with love and emotions. All those sisters who can’t meet their brothers, will send their Raakhi with their hearty wishes via post or by placing an online order. This world will be united as one because the day brings in the feel of togetherness to all.




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11. Raakhi for Brother

Rakshaa Bandhan calls to the remembrance of eternal bonding and affection by brother and sister and the beautiful expression of the day is shared with Raakhi for Brother.

Raakhi is the simple but beautiful thread tyeing around the wrist of brother, conveying lots of love and emotions. Sisters wholeheartedly tie Raakhi on the wrist of their brothers and pray to divine for bestowing him prosperity, health with serenity. Brothers who deeply and truly understand the deep message of Raakhi, pledge to safe their sisters from all evil circumstances of their life and promise to stand by her in every up and down moments of life.

Types of Raakhi

Raakhi for Brother, Raakhi for Bhabhi and Raakhi for Kids

Raakhi for Brother

Diamond Raakhi- Most precious stone of the world, diamonds are cut and beautifully studded to add sheen beauty in Raakhi.

Gold Raakhi- Symbolises to the elegance and auspiciousness, exquisitely designed Gold Raakhi proves to be an unforgettable gift for Rakshaa Bandhan.

Pearl Raakhi- Normally comes in white, Pearl Raakhi signifies to the mood of purity and generosity. It also encompasses of medicinal importance.

Silver Raakhi- Known for its shininess and beauty, Silver Raakhi comes in varied forms like silver raakhi with floral designs, silver chain raakhi etc.

Cartoon Raakhi- Popularly famous among kids, Cartoon Raakhi is crafted or etched with cartoon characters. Your sweet little brother will truly love it!

Sandalwood Raakhi- Also known as Chandan Raakhi, sandalwood piece is cut into beads and sometimes into shape of god’s image to make it more pious. Sandalwood smell will add freshness to day.

Floral Raakhi- Flowers are never fall out of the season, so add some gaiety and shine to the festival with Floral Raakhi. Flowery look on raakhi make it more unique and special.

Zari Raakhi- Gold or silver thread is used for intrinsically weaving the base and pattern of Zari Raakhi. It is traditional yet it has its beauty beneath under it.

Resham Dhaga Raakhi- It is a old style of Raakhi which still holds its beauty and elegance. An assortment of silk thread is used to make the base of Raakhi.

Om Raakhi- Signifies to the ‘Brahma’, such raakhi is believed to have incorporated with the divinity powers.

Beads Raakhi- Usually comes in tribal style, it is embellished with lots of big or small beads beautifully forming the base of Raakhi. It can be found in bracelet and chain form.

Kundan Raakhi- Available in rainbow of colors, Kundan Raakhi sets the mood of occasion and adds elegance and style to the persona of wearer.

Mouli Raakhi- Simplicity is the injecting element in Mouli Raakhi and are preferably sent to old people. It is popularly known as ‘Dori’ or ‘Kalava’.

Swastika Raakhi- Synonym to the good luck and wealth, such raakhi is also carved with the Shiv which adds more piousness to it.

Rudraksha Raakhi- It is a bead worn for ensuring happiness, health and prosperity. Popularise among elder people.

Raakhi with Metal Chain- Instead of simple thread, Raakhi with metal chain comes in different metals like copper, brass or in gold, which adds to the beauty of festive moments.




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12. Avani Avittam / Upakramam

Avani Avittam or Upakramam or Avani Attam is a ritual followed by the Brahmins who read Yajurveda. It is most commonly celebrated in southern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerela, and states of Orissa and Maharashtra. It falls on the Shravan Purnima that is the same day as Rakshaa Bandhan.

Avani Avittam Rituals

On this day, a Mahasankalpam or a vow is taken for atonement of all our sins in the past year. The Brahmins take a holy dip and wear a new holy thread called Yajnopavit or Janeyu.

The first step is a ‘prayashchita’, A prayer to atone the sins. It says, “For the removal of all my sins and thereby to secure a divine blessing and for qualifing myself to perform the essential duties of Brahmanas as prescribed in the vedas and smritis and adopted by the really good in their conduct I put on this Yagnopavita”.

When the thread is worn another mantra is recited which means -“I put on the sacred thread which is highly pure, is inseparable from God, is capable of prolonging life and is the foremost in the accomplishment of a Brahmana. May such pure Yagnopavita bring strength and dignity.

While removing the old thread, the mantra means -“I throw away the broken dirty old thread, may the new one bring on long life and Brahmana’s brilliance.

Avani Avittam Significance

Upakramam means the beginning. On this day the Yajurvedis begin to read Yajur Veda for next six months. The day is auspicious because as per Indian mythology Lord Vishnu was incarnated as Lord Hayagriva,the lord of knowledge, the one who restored the Vedas to Brahma.




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13. Kajari Purnima

Kajari Purnima Falls on the same day as Rakshaa Bandhan that is on the Shravan Purnima. This festival is mainly celebrated in the Central India that includes Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and part of Uttar Pradesh. Since this festival falls at the end of the monsoon season, it is of great importance to the farmers.

On the ninth day after Shravana Amavasya, the preparations of the kajari festival start. This ninth day is called Kajari Navami. The rituals are performed by the ladies blessed with a son. The rituals continye till the Kajri Purnima or the full moon day.

On the Shravan Shukla Navami, women go to fields and bring earth in the leaf cups. Leaf or barley is sown in it and kept in a dark room where no sunlight or fresh air reaches. The place where this leaf cup is kept and the surrounding walls are cleaned and washed with mud and cow dung. The place then is decorated patterns made by rice solution.The motifs are generally the house hold articles and activities. Figures of a house, a child in cradle, a mongoose and a woman with a pitcher are mandatory figures. This art of drawing with the rice solution on mud washed floor is called Navami. And then the cup is worshiped.

The worship is repeated for seven days till the full moon day. The evening of the full moon day has the final ritual. The women move out in procession carrying the leaf cups on their heads. They carry it to a pond or any other water body and immerse it. Women keep fast on this day and pray for the well being of their sons.

The festival is of importance to the farmers as it signifies the beginning of the sowing season for wheat and barley. They worship Godess Bagwati and seek blessings for a good crop.




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14. Nariyal Purnima

This festival is important for those who depend on sea for their life.On this day the Sea God, Varun is worshiped.The coconuts are offered to the Sea God thus the name Nariyal purnima or the coconut full moon.

It is the time of retreating monsoon. The skies are clearing, the tides are receding, the sea is less violent. It is the festival time for the people of the coastal areas. The people offer coconut to Lord Varun to invoke blessings and offer thanks giving.

For the fishermen is is the beginning of the new fishing season. During the monsoon the seas are more violent. The fishermen don’t wade into seas during this time. Shravan Purnima signifies the end of Monsoon. The Fishermen decorate their boats, paint it new and put flags. They then carry decorated coconuts to the sea. It is kind of a community gathering there. They celebrate together, sing and dance together. In the end they worship the Sea God and offer coconut. The decorated coconuts are thrown in the water with prayers of a plentiful fish catch.

Why Coconut?

A coconut has three eyes. It is said to represent Lord Shiva, the three eyed God. Coconut is considered to be an auspicious offering to Gods. A coconut is broken in front of the deities before taking up a new venture to seek blessings and on successful comlition for thanks giving. Coconut is important for all religious occasions. Thus coconut is considered to be an ideal offering to the Sea God as well.

Pieces of coconut and coconut are distributed as ‘prasadam’. Coconut rice is the main dish on this day.




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15. Pavitropana

Pavitropana is a festival of Gujaratis. It is celebrated on the very same day of Raakhi Purnima and falls in the month of Shravana. According to the legends, Gujaratis are the staunch believers of religion and generally they worship lord Shiva. On this auspicious day, most of the people offer water to the Shivalingas in the nearby temples, offer prayers to Lord Shiva and seek his blessings. It is believed that whoever, prays on this auspicious day, all his past sins are forgiven.

History of Pavitropana

This festival has also been referred to as Putrada Ekadashi in Bhavishya Purana. In this Purana, Lord Krishna has narrated the story of how the Ekadashi in the month of Shravana came to be sacred. He states,”At the dawn of Dvarpara-yuga there lived a king by the name of Mahijita, who ruled the kingdom of Mahismati-puri. Since he had no son, his entire kingdom seemed utterly cheerless to him. “A married man who has no son gains no happiness in this life or the next.” The King tried hard to beget children and continue his lineage. But it seemed that lady luck had turned against the king. As years progressed, he became anxious and called for an assembly of advisors. He told that he had never committed any sin or did anything wrong to anyone. Yet the Gods have not blessed him and the kingdom with a son. He asked everyone to find out the reason for this.

Rituals followed on Pavitropana

The Ceremony of Pavitropana involves Pavitras, a few filaments of cotton and sometimes kasa grass which are closely entwined, knotted together and soaked in a mixture of Panchgaivya (cow’s ghee, milk, curd, urine and excreta).

Pavitropana or the Shravana Purnima is considered as an auspicious day for the final poojan of the three eyed God. In the Pavitropana ceremony, a few twisted filaments of cotton are soaked in panchagaivya (mixture of cow’s ghee, milk, curd, urine and excreta) and then fastened around the Shivalinga. Panchagaivya or the five products obtained from cow which is the most sacred animal according to the Hindu mythology.




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16. Raakhi in India

Gifts are an integral part of Raakhi celebrations. As per Indian tradition, Raakhi gifts are given by elder brothers to the sisters in acceptance of their rakshaa. They bless their sisters after the thread tying ceremony and give gifts. In the case of younger brothers, it is the sisters who give them gifts along with the Raakhi. The gifts given on Raakhi include sweets, dry fruits or clothes etc.

Raakhi in India is one of the most important festival and is celebrated with faith and enthusiasm. Raakhi festival in India is essentially celebrated by brothers and sisters and intends to strengthen the eternal bond of love shared by them. Raakhi is celebrated all over India and amongst all sections of Hindu society. Raakhi celebrations are however more prominent in North India.

Legends of Raakhi

Number of legends are associated with the ancient festival of Rakshaa Bandhan. A popular legend of Raakhi from Bhavishya Puran narrates the story of Indra and Indrani. It says that once Lord Indra was facing reverses in battle against demons led by King Bruta. At this stage Indra sought help of Guru Brihaspati. The sage advised him to tie a sacred thread powered by mantras on the auspicious day of Shravan Purnima. Following the suggestion, Indra’s consort Indrani tied the sacred thread on Indra’s wrist on the decided time. The Raakhi helped Gods win the battle against the demons. From then on sisters’ began to tie a Raakhi on their brother’s wrist on the auspicious day of Rakshaa Bandhan.

Raakhi Customs and Tradition

There are simple but set customs and traditions for Raakhi Day. People wake up early and take bath to purify their mind and soul. Sisters along with the mother prepare festive food including a sweet dish. A sister then arranges the customary Raakhi Puja Thali consisting of Raakhi, Tika, Mithai, Diya besides other traditional puja items to carry out the ceremony. At the opportune time she ties Raakhi on her brother’s wrist, apply tika on his forehead and perform aarthi of him. Praying for her brother’s long life sister puts a sweet in bhaiya’s mouth. Brother reciprocates by presenting Raakhi Return Gifts to sister and promises to guard her against all hardships in life. This simple Raakhi ceremony symbolises and strengthens the eternal bond of love between a brother and sister.

Raakhi Celebration in India

In India, celebrations for Raakhi begin a month before the festival. Markets wear a festival look as colorful Raakhi stall mushroom in every nook and corner of the country. Brothers and sisters staying away from home start making plans for a visit to home. For them Rakshaa Bandhan is the time for family reunion.

On the day of Raakhi spirit of the people is high and there is a general atmosphere of harmony and bliss. All family members gather and carry out the traditional customs of the day with joy and enthusiasm. Later, everyone relishes the best of food and have a good time.

Auspicious day of Raakhi Purnima is celebrated all over India though under different names and with different set of rituals. In North India, the festival is popularly celebrated as Rakshaa Bandhan. On this day sisters tie a sacred thread of Raakhi on brother’s wrist and pray for his long life. Brothers’ bless their sister and present them gifts. Regional names of Raakhi in rest of India include Nariyal Purnima, Avani Avittam and Balev. Read on to know more about these.

Narial Poornima or Coconut Full Moon: The festival of Raakhi is also known as Narial Poornima or Coconut Full Moon. On Mumbai’s famous beaches, coconuts are thrown into the sea to propitiate the Sea God, Varuna, who is the chief object of worship on this occasion.

Avani Avittam: Raakhi is called Avani Avittam in South India. This is the time of “upakarmam” and is celebrated in various ways all over South India. It falls on the full-moon day of the month of Shravan (August-September). Raakhi forms an important Hindu festival in South India.

Balev: Raakhi is also commonly known known Balev. This festival has special significance among Brahmins as it is the day on which Brahmins change their sacred thread. On Shravan Sud 15 when the moon is in the constellation of Shravan the Brahmins, while changing their sacred thread, rededicate themselves to study the vedas and pursue spiritual upliftment.




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17. Raakhi Gift Traditions

Gifts are an integral part of Raakhi celebrations. As per Indian tradition, Raakhi gifts are given by elder brothers to the sisters in acceptance of their rakshaa. They bless their sisters after the thread tying ceremony and give gifts. In the case of younger brothers, it is the sisters who give them gifts along with the Raakhi. The gifts given on Raakhi include sweets, dry fruits or clothes etc.

Of late, it has become customary for the sisters to gift something in return to the brothers, younger or elder. The reason for this change are the ever increasing distances. Raakhi gifts are an extended expression of love and affection that the siblings share.

One of the major changes that has occurred in Indian tradition of Raakhi gifts is that watches are gifted as Raakhis. Wrist watches are long lasting and are a constant reminder to the brothers of their love for their sisters . It is the most readily acceptable replacement among gifts for a Raakhi, as it is tied on the wrist and is useful.

Another recent Raakhi gift tradition are jeweled Raakhis. The bracelet type of Raakhi can be of gold or silver. It could be embedded with precious or semiprecious stones or, it could be a simple cut and carved bracelet. Such Raakhi or Raakhi Gifts are favoured for their durability and of course for the value of the jewels in the Rakhee.

Sweets and chocolates have always been a part of the gifts given on Raakhi. Dry fruits are a convenient alternative and more preferred these days as Raakhi gifts. Pen sets, shirts or tie or a jeweled tie pin are other nice Raakhi gift options.

So, this Rakshaa Bandhan, gift your brother something he loves. Gift him something that will remind the two of you of the lovely time spent together on Raakhi.

18. Raakhi Gift Ideas

Rakshaa Bandhan holds immense significance for brothers and sisters in India and so does Raakhi Gifts. Every year siblings scratch their heads for that bright and brilliant Raakhi Gift Idea. To make that tedious process a bit easy we are presenting some innovative Raakhi Gift Ideas for brothers and amazingly delightful gift ideas for sisters. Some practical tips on Raakhi Gift selection has also been included in the text to help you choose the most perfect and memorable Raakhi Gift for your sibling.

Tips for selecting Raakhi Gift:

  1. Keep in mind the choice of your siblings. For example consider his / her hobbies and areas of interest.
  2. Think if there is anything your sibling has been planning to buy for a long time but has not managed to purchase it on his / her own. If yes, then surprise by making his / her wish come true sooner than expected.
  3. Ensure the gift is of good quality and trendy at the same time. This aspect holds a lot more importance in Rakshaa Bandhan as siblings attach a lot of emotions to Raakhi Gifts. For them Raakhi Gift is not just any other gift but a reflection of their siblings feelings for them.
  4. Don’t go over and above your budget. Remember your feelings behind the gift are more important than the digits written on the gift tag. So restrict to your budget.

Raakhi Gift Ideas for Brothers

a. For Trendy Brothers :Rakhi gift ideas for trendy brothers

For brothers who love to sport a style statement some trendy gifts are desirable. One can go in for fancy goggles, mobile cases, deodorants, perfumes, watches and belts. A bracelet style Silver or Gold Raakhi will also be appreciated by them.

b. For Elder and Sober Brothers:Rakhi gift ideas elder and sober brothers

For big brothers an executive Shirt will be good Raakhi gift idea. You can select the shirt – plain, stripes or checks according to the taste of brother. Colour of the shirt too must be decided on the basis of your brother’s choice not yours. Organisors, portfolio bags, designer pens, ties and cuff links are other ideas you can try.

c. For Studious BrothersRakhi gift ideas studious brothers

For bhaiyyas who are studying in school and college you can gift things that will be of benefit to them. How about a good reference book, some nice novels, trendy satchels or interesting CDs.

d. For Married BrothersRakhi gift ideas for married brothers

If your brother is married you can go in for household gifts like nice paintings, some crockery items or traditional Rakshaa Bandhan Gifts like box of sweets, dry fruits or chocolates.

e. For Kid BrothersRakhi gift ideas for kid-brothers

Pamper your kid brother with some games or games CDs. Or how about toys like cars or those representing their favourite cartoon characters. Chocolates, candies and other confectionery items will be relished by them.

Raakhi Gift Ideas for Sisters

a. For Sisters who are fond of JewelrySisters who are fond of Jewelry

Gift some nice jewelry items like rings, earrings or necklaces. You can go in for gold or diamonds if your budget suits otherwise artificial jewelry are a craze all over the world. Browse through some Raakhi Gifts sites and you will get ample of options.

b. For Fashion Conscious Sistersfashion conscious sistersfashion-conscious-sisters

Beaded and mirrored bags is an exciting and wonderful gift idea for sisters who are fashion conscious. Alternatively one can go in for nice perfumes, fancy tops or ethnic jewelry boxes.

c. For Kid SistersRakhi gift for kid sisters

Little girls love to receive cute and huggable teddy bears, chocolates or some nice stationery items. You may also gift some novels or other reference books if she is fond of reading.

d. For Married SistersRakhi gift for married sisters

If your sister is married you can gift some household gifts like paintings or some fancy show piece. Perfume or jewelry items are other choices from which you can decide your Raakhi gift.

19. Raakhi Return Gift Traditions

Rakshaa Bandhan is the perfect time to strengthen the relationship of a brother and sister. Various traditions are followed on the occasion of Rakshaa Bandhan and the most important one is the exchange of Raakhi return gifts.

History of Raakhi tradition

The history of Raakhi festival is full of instances of return raakhi gifts. Some of these are discussed here. Goddess Laxmi tied raakhi to Raja Bali and he in turn fulfilled her wish to return to her abode with Narayana. King Porus spared Alexander’s life as a gift to Alexander’s wife who had tied a raakhi to him. Humayun reached out to help Rani Karmawati accepting her raakhi. Thus sending Raakhi Gifts for Sister are a part of the Raakhi tradition since ancestral period. The Raakhi Return Gifts are in fact the acceptance of the sisterly love.

People also believe that when sisters come to their brothers or parents place then, as a custom, she has to be bestowed with gifts when she is going back. This tradition of raakhi return gift took a new form in modern era and became a physical symbol of the brotherly pledge.

Tradition of Cash distribution

Presenting returns gifts to sisters on the Raakhi day is the oldest tradition that is followed since ages. The tradition of Raakhi gifts have it’s own significance among brothers and sisters as this token of love further strengthens the bond of love between a brother and sister. Earlier, cash was given as a return raakhi gift to a sister. At that time, the amount could be anything from Rs1/- to Rs11/-, Rs21/- and so on. Gradually, this tradition of giving cash has changed and taken the form of gift items. The gift can be any thing from clothes to decoratives, cosmetics, jewelry boxes or electronic goods.

Raakhi return gifts for kids

Sending toys, chocolates, clothes, video games, etc to children is a good idea for raakhi return gift. For others, the most preferred gifts ideas include quite practical items. People prefer sending useful gifts like decoratives complimenting the house decor, bangle boxes, clothes or any other thing that the brother feels will be of use for the sister.

The current trend as Raakhi gifts is Gold souvenir. Brothers can also switch to soft toys as they are mostly liked by young girls. Perfumes and body sprays are another gifts to be given on this auspicious day. Gifting exclusive bracelets, wrist watches, semi-precious stones, etc are evergreen raakhi return gifts for young ladies. One can also think of something new and unique that remind you of your childhood days, the fun filled, carefree, naughty times spent together.

But before thinking of any of the above gift ideas, you should be very clear about the tastes and interests of your brother or sister. Remember it is always better to send the gift along with a packet of sweets or chocolates. Sweet accompaniments are essentials of any festival celebration.

20. Raakhi Return Gifts for Sisters

Rakshaa Bandhan festival is the most awaited festival for brothers and sisters as it dots the celebration of sensitivity and love of the sibling relationship. When sisters tie beautiful raakhi on the wrist of their brothers, they pray for his well being. Brothers promise to stand by her in every ups and downs of life.

Token of Love for sisters

In this beautiful ceremony of love and affection between brothers and sisters, exchange of raakhi gifts play an integral role. As a token of love, gifts are believed to strengthen the bonding as these are preserved for lifetime along with sweet memories cherished by both giver and receiver. Every year boy finds it somehow tedious job in picking up a suitable gift for their lovable sister. If you are also scratching your head but is still not zeroed on perfect raakhi gift for your sister, then you can take help from the following options that are meant specially for Raakhi festival.

So, come on boys, check out the following list and prove wrong the myth that boys are insensitive in choosing right gifts for their sisters!

Apparels- Woe your sister by showering her with your love and affection this Raakhi. Just check out the new trends of apparels in market and don’t wait for anything else. Shop now. Make this special day memorable by gifting beautiful dress to your sister that will set her happiness on high scale. Your choice must go by the season.

Fashion Jewelry- Girls are very much fond of jewelries, no matter how old she is. So, this Rakshaa Bandhan, surprise her with a set of stunning jewelry that will enhance her personality. Don’t think for twice in choosing beautiful jewelry item for your dearest sister. Presenting the antique jewelry is also a good idea to fascinate your sister on this day. Bracelets, rings, earrings, pendants, chains etc. can add on your list of gift. If your pocket is pulling you down, then it is better to go by artificial jewelry. It is not the price tag which values but the emotions and sentiments of the giver which weigh the most.

Leather Bags & Wallets- Let your sister carry your love everywhere she roam! Gift her with a beautiful bag for and make the day unforgettable for the whole life. Beaded bags and wallets with lots of mirror work will surely show some magical effects.

Soft Toys- Soft toys are very much loved by girls of all ages. Give an adorable gesture with silky, cute soft toys to the most beautiful girl of your life i.e, ‘your sister’. Sweet soft toys are best way to express your tender emotions and feelings for your cute sis.

Greeting Cards- Greeting Cards can be another good option for return raakhi gifts. Let your words be written for many years! Pen down all your deep feelings and emotions on Raakhi greeting cards and convey all your heart wishes to your sister. It is one of the best way to remember the beautiful time which you both have spent together over the years.

Household Utility Items- Make full advantage of the golden chance to impress your sister. Bring her a sweet and natural smile on your sister’s face by presenting her the household items like paintings, show piece, candle stand or even utensils. So, go for beautiful yet durable household items which not only beautify her place but also comes with lifetime remembrance.

Decorative Items- Like showpiece, photo frame, hanging bells etc., surely make a nice gift. Intricately designed with wonderful message can feel your sister proud of your choice. Let your sister know how strong bonding both of you enjoyed.

Novel Book- If she is fond of reading then you can gift a book of her favorite author which will surely make your sister feel good.

Perfumes and Deodorants- If you are searching for the best Raakhi return gift for your sister then fragrant perfumes and body sprays are the best option. Such gifts never go out of fashion and they are likable by all age group. But don’t forget to keep her choice into consideration. Some people like very strong odor and others settled down for light. Feel her fantastic and special with your gift.

Cakes and Chocolates- Mix your love and care into your relationship with mouthwatering cakes and chocolates. Creamy, soft cakes will surely relieve her taste buds. Girls are very fond of chocolates so you can get a big pack of her favorite one which she will she definitely going to eat with a big smile on her face.

21. How to Make a Raakhi?

Raakhi is the physical symbol of the emotions involved with the festival. The emotions of love, affection and care. It is the sentiments that matter on this day and what can be a better expression of the sisterly love than a self made raakhi.

a. Raakhi is generally a decorated silk thread. It may be a simple thread or it may be decorated with beads or designer motifs, religious symbols or even studded with jewels. Here are a few tip on how you can create your own raakhi.

Material required

1. Silk threads-multi-coloured
2. Cotton thread
3. Beads, sequins
4. Scissors
5. Glue

Take a bunch of silk threads, multicolored if you want a colorful raakhi. Red and yellow are considered auspicious colors. You can also use a strand or two of golden thread. The threads should be around 30″ long. Fold the length of the thread bunch to half. Tie a tight knot at one fourth of the length using the cotton thread. Cut the loops of the folded thread and fluff the open ends with a hard brush.

Divide the longer part of the thread into two halves and plat them in desired way. Tie the ends with the cotton thread and fluff the open ends. These two strands will be used for the tying.

Decorate the upper part with sequins, beads or religious motifs. If you are using multicolored threads arranged in some specific way, cut them short to a suitable length not more than ½”.

b. These days in vogue are raakhis made of kalava or moli (the read thread used for tying on wrist during a religious event). These are more suitable for those who have to keep the raakhi tied for a longer time, as in some faiths when it is removed after three days or it is removed on the Dussehra which falls in October.

Materials required

1. A Moli or Kalava
2. Cotton Thread
3. Scissors
4. Glue
5. Religious Symbol/ Rudraksh
6. Tulsi/ Sandalwood Beads or Tiny Shells

Take a 50″ long thread and fold it in the middle. Plat the thread in the desired manner. Tie the cotton thread leaving some space at the ends. Remove all the loops from the ends. Stick the religious symbol or rudraksh in the middle and if you want decorate the rest of the length of the raakhi with beads or tiny shells. You can stick them or even stitch them on the braided thread.

c. Material required

1. Strands of silk threads-2/3
2. A pair of scissors
3. Cotton thread to tie knots
4. Beads, sitaras, golden threads and sponge to decorate
5. Glue
A toothbrush with hard bristles.

Raksha BandhanMethod:

Take 20-24 inches long silk thread strands in a bunch. If you want to make multi coloured raakhis take silk threads of different colours.

Raksha BandhanTie a tight knot with a cotton thread on the one-fourth part of the silken thread bunch. The one-fourth part will be made into a raakhi while the three-fourth will be the string to tie around the wrist.

Raksha BandhanNow make sure the heads of the silk threads of the one-fourth part of the bunch do not remain in loops, in case they are, cut them with a pair of scissors.

Raksha BandhanOnce they are independent of loops, with a toothbrush rub hard on these threads and brush them with strong strokes by holding tight on the knot. With repeated strokes the silk threads turns fluffy and Rakshaa Bandhan soft.

Raksha BandhanTo make the string, divide the three-fourth part of the silk thread in two equal parts and plait them sepa Rakshaa Bandhan rately. At the end tie a knot and brush the end again.

Raksha Bandhan

Raksha BandhanOnce this is done decorate it with beads or sitaras. Stick them with glue. You can purchase sponge of a suitable colour, cut it into a star shape, decorate it with beads or sitaras. Golden threads can be entwined used for decoration. And then stick it with glue.

d. Raakhi making idea from Dhananjaya Material required

1. Gold or Silver threads – 5 or 6
2. Beads (if silver you will need gold and if gold you will need gold colour beeds) – 20 or 30
3. An old locket (any colour) – 1

Knot the thread uniquely. Put the beads in the threads. Put a locket in the middle of the beads. Then at last tie both the ends.Your fabulous raakhi for rakshaa bandhan is ready!

e. Raakhi making idea from ISSACK RAJAN

When making raakhi make an empty frame in the round shape so that the girl can put her photo in the frame, for whom the raakhi is mentioned.

This will give a good expression of good relation of sister and brother.

f. Raakhi making idea from Suchitra Goenka

Instead of making the base of the Raakhi in the traditional way (resham),one can use varied fancy silk or net, by doing running stitch on one side of a rectangular piece. By stretching the thread one can get a round base which looks trendy as well as different. To make it look nicer one can add layers of the same in different colours.

g. Teddy Raakhi making idea from Vinnie Mathur Materials Required

• Fevicol
• Scissors
• Old cloth from dupatta or T-shirt
• Mummy’s bindis
• Cotton
• Any colour ribbon
• Sewing thread and needle
• Sparkles

Method for making Teddy Face –

Take a piece of an old t-shirt and fill it with cotton. Fold it in a round shape. Stick black beads for eyes and a red bindi for lips.

Method for making the Body –

  1. This time take a little bigger cloth, fill it with cotton in the round shape for the Teddy’s body.
  2. You can put sparkles and make the Teddy’s dress colourful and attractive.
  3. Now, glue or sew the face and the body with a thread.
  4. For the wrist, tie a ribbon to the teddy.
  5. Your Teddy Raakhi is ready!!

h. Gold & Silver Coin Raakhi making idea from Supriya Pankaj Method

  1. Take two or three colours of silk thread preferably Gold, Silver & Red.
  2. Get Gold or silver coins from gold shop & get gold & silver colour net cloth which can be kept under the coin which gives a grand look.
  3. Take the net cloth give it a good shape & make a hole in between the cloth which can attach the cloth & the threads.
  4. Take a combination of red & gold silk thread.
  5. Make a knot as per you convenience but not in the middle coz that should be the joining for the coin, net cloth & thread. Leave the thread open on the two ends.
  6. Your Gold Coin Raakhi is ready.

i. Computer Raakhi making idea from Jyoti Gupta A. Method for making the Monitor:

  1. Cutout the two narrow sides of matchbox.
  2. Now stick the two remaining broader sides with glue.
  3. Cover them with grey paper& write WINDOWS on it in capitals.
  4. Give it a bright border with coloured tape.
  5. Cover with transparent plastic sheet.

B. Method for making the Keyboard:

  1. Take narrow sides of matchbox cover left and cover it with fluorescent colour paper.
  2. Draw the keys with a sketch pen.

C. Method for making the Mouse:

  1. Take the peel of pistachio nut.
  2. Draw the keys of mouse with painting colours.

D. Assembling:

  1. Take a red colour ribbon.
  2. Paste the keyboard on ribbon & monitor on back of keyboard.
  3. Now join the mouse with a thick thread from back of keyboard.
  4. Glue the mouse to the ribbon.

j. God Raakhi making idea from Shivani Jain Materials Required

  1. Colored thread
  2. Few golden beads
  3. Small sized buttons
  4. Small picture of Goddess or religious symbol

Method for making Raakhi:

Take a colored thread and tie about 5 golden beads and a small button after it. Repeat this along the entire length of the thread. Paste any religious picture or symbol on the button in the middle of the thread. Your home made raakhi is ready.

k. Durable Raakhi making idea from Manjula PV Materials Required

  1. Colored thread
  2. Rudraksha or Tulasi beads
  3. Two laces / A string of beads
  4. Hook to tie

Method for making Raakhi:

Take a thread make a circle of Rudraksha or Tulasi beads.To the circle of beads attach two laces / a string of beads and hook to tie. The raakhi made like this will be durable and is spiritually good for brothers.

l. Biscuit and Chocolate Raakhi Dipti Materials Required

  1. A Marie Gold Biscuit
  2. Two Cherries
  3. Two Gems Chocolate
  4. A Satin Thread

Method for making Raakhi:

Take a marie gold biscuit. Paste two cherries at the place of ears. Two gems chocolate having red color at the place of eyes and nose. Paste a chocolate at the place of tie. Paste a satin thread behind the biscuit.

m. Raakhi making idea from Saumya Srivastava Materials Required

  1. Thread 30m long
  2. Resham ka gola
  3. Decorative items like sitara,beads aur whatever you want to decorate the raakhi

Method for making Raakhi:

Make plaits of the thread then place a resham ka gola and then decorate it with beads, sitaras and with other items.

n. Raakhi making idea from Saumya Srivastava Materials Required

  1. Silk threads-multi-coloured
  2. Cotton Threads
  3. Beads, sequins
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue

Method for making Raakhi:

Take a bunch of silk threads, multicolored if you want a colorful raakhi. Red and yellow are considered auspicious colors. You can also use a strand or two of golden thread. The threads should be around 30″ long. Fold the length of the thread bunch to half. Tie a tight knot at one fourth of the length using the cotton thread. Cut the loops of the folded thread and fluff the open ends with a hard brush.

Divide the longer part of the thread into two halves and plat them in desired way. Tie the ends with the cotton thread and fluff the open ends. These two strands will be used for the tying.

Decorate the upper part with sequins, beads or religious motifs. If you are using multicolored threads arranged in some specific way, cut them short to a suitable length not more than ½”.

22. How to Make a Raakhi Card

Tips on Making Raakhi Cards

There are ways to create Raakhi Cards that are beautiful and easy and fun to make. They can be hand-painted or embroidered. The cards can have decorated lacy borders or textured with clay or paint.

a. Traditional Card Material Required:

Handmade card Paper
Moli/ Kalawa
A small carved Ganesha/ Swastik
Red and Yellow Paint


Cut the paper of desired size. 7 ” x 11″ is an ideal size and fold it in the middle

Leaving ½” border, paste the moli thread making a rectangle, the size of this rectangle may vary as per your design visualisation. Line with a decorative border on the inside using red and yellow colors. Paste the motif of Ganesha or Swastika a little off center towards top and write ‘Happy Rakshaa Bandhan’ or similar short message below the motif. You can also take a computer printout of the writing part if the design has been decided upon earlier. Write your message on the inside of the card.

If you wish to give it a more contemporary look, you can use a lace or a ribbon instead of moli. You can use pressed flowers or reeds as the center motif. Some relevant picture cut outs can also be used.

Enclose the card with raakhi, tika and rice.

b. Embroidered Cards Material Required

Paper Card Sheet
Colored Embroidery Threads
Sewing Needle
Glass Beads
Tracing paper

Cut the card paper in the desired size and fold it. Trace the pattern on the front side of the card. Embroider on the pattern lines. Stitch the beads where ever need be. You can also paste the beads instead of stitching.

Cards can be created using an assortment of things easily available in the house. Cloth patches can be arranged in some geometric patterns. Large motifs on some fabric can be pasted complimented by freehand designs. Beautiful pictures can be stuck on the card sheet.

Once you actually start the process, Ideas come poring in. Don’t hesitate, send a handmade raakhi card this season.

23. Raakhi Recipes

Raakhi is an auspicious festival that holds a special significance in Indian culture. It represents the chaste and subtle bond of love and affection between a brother and a sister and calls for a celebration with the best of festive food. Raakhi is a day to arrange a lavish feast for your brothers and sisters with finger-licking recipes. Try out the following dishes and share your favourite raakhi recipe with us. We shall publish your Rakshaa Bandhan recipe on this page along with your name. Go ahead and send your special raakhi recipe to add more excitement to the festival. Please click here to send your Raakhi Recipe.

List of Rakshaa Bandhan Recipes

Banana Cutlets
Vermicelli Kheer
Vegetable Pancakes
Mal Pua
Khoya Burfi
Tamarind Rice

banana cutletsBanana Cutlets Ingredients:

6 Raw bananas
1/4 cup fresh peas, boiled
1/4 cup beet root, boiled and finely chopped
1 tbsp. each mint leaves & coriander leaves finely chopped
4-5 green chillies finely chopped
1″ piece ginger grated(optional)
1/2 tsp. each mustard & cumin seeds
1/2 tsp asafetida
1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
1 tsp. Amchur
oil to deep fry
1-1/2 cups Breadcrumbs
salt to taste


Steam whole bananas with skins, till soft. Remove skins. Mash while still hot. And keep aside. Heat 2 tbsp. oil in a pan, add seeds, allow to splutter. Add asafoetida, mint, coriander, chillies, ginger, amchur, peas and beet root. Mix this well with the mashed bananas. Add salt and other spices as well.

Heat oil in a pan. Shape the cutlets with the mixture, roll them in the breadcrumbs and deep fry till golden brown. Drain and serve hot with green chutney or tamarind chutney or tomato ketchup

kheerVermicelli Kheer Ingredients

1cup Roasted Vermacili
1.5 liter Milk
½ tsp. Cardamom Powder
½ tsp. Saffron
Dry fruit and resins

Boil the milk in a broad mouth pan add the roasted Vermicelli and sugar to taste. Let it boil till thick. Dissolve saffrom in 1tsp. Water. Add cardamom and saffron to the thick vermacelli and milk mixture Garnish with soaked almonds and resins.

pancakesVegetable Pancakes Ingredients

250 grams Besan
3 tbsp Maida
2 tbsp cornflour
3 tbsp rice flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 Potato (large) finely chopped
1 carrot (large) finely chopped
2 onion, chopped
½ cumin powder
½ turmeric powder
3 spring onions, finely chopped
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1-1/2 cups (375 ml) oil
1 cup (250 ml) water, approximately
Salt and red chilly powder to taste
300 ml water
Oil for shallow frying.


Mix all the ingredients and make a thick batter with water. Keep aside for 10 minutes. In the mean time grease a pan and heat it. Now drop the batter in 2” rounds in the pan fry till deep yellow on both the sides. Serve hot with green chutney or tomato ketchup.

pakorasPakoras Ingredients

250 grams besan
½ tsp. turmeric
½ tsp. red chilly powder
1 tsp. dried pomegranate seeds
1 tsp. Coriander paste
1 medium sized onion, chopped
1 medium sized potato, chopped
1 green chilly chopped.
Salt to taste


Mix all the ingredients to make a thick batter. Heat oil in a frying pan. Drop chunks of the batter in hot oil and fry till light brown. Drain cut into small pieces using a blint knife and re fry till crisp. Serve hot with green chuttney and tamarind chutney

rakhi malpuasMal Pua Ingredients

250 grams plain flour, sifted water
1 tbsp. powdered sugar
oil for frying
Sugar Syrup
500 grams sugar
625 ml water
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
Rose water
Fresh cream sweetened

Sugar syrup

Put sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to boil. Simmer for 8-10 minutes till thick syrup is formed.

Mix sifted flour, sugar and water to form smooth, medium thickness batter and keep aside for 30 min. Heat oil in a shallow flat bottomed pan. Carefully spread the mixture in the pan and fry till golden brown. Transfer the pancake into the sugar syrup. Serve hot garnished with cardamom, rosewater and fresh cream.

khoya burfiKhoya Burfi Ingredients

1 Lt. Milk
75 gms sugar
50 grams naryal chura (coconut powder)
20 grams pistachios, chopped
20 grams almonds, chopped


Boil milk reduce heat and let it simmer for 45-minutes to one hour till thick paste like. Keep stirring in between. Add sugar and coconut powder and stir till sugar dissolces. Grease a thali and pour the batter. Garnish with pistachios and almonds. Let it cool and cut into square or rhomboid pieces.

tamarind riceTamarind Rice Ingredients

3 cups Rice cooked with 1 tbsp butter/ghee/oil
1/2 cup thick Tamarind extract
3 tbsp Channa Dal
2 tbsp grated Ginger
2 level tsp Red Chili powder
1 level tsp Turmeric powder
1/4 tsp Asafetida powder
6-8 Green Chilies slit in two
3-4 dry Chilies
Few Curry Leaves
5 tbsp Cashew nuts (broken up and kept)- Optional
1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
Salt to Taste


1. Heat ½ cup vegetable oil.
2. When the oil is hot add the chana dal, dry chillies, curry leaves, green chillies, asafetida powder or a small piece of solid Asafetida.
3. Fry until the Dal is golden brown.
4. Now, add the salt, turmeric powder, chili powder, grated ginger, broken cashew nuts and stir for a few minutes on a low flame. Don’t let the turmeric and chili powder burn.
5. Boil for 15-20 minutes till the quantity reduces to half and the mixture becomes thick.
6. Put the cooked rice in a dish, add the prepared mixture and required quantity of the Tamarind extract.
7. Mix to the rice and stir well. Keep covered until ready to serve.

24. Raakhi Poems

The festival of Raakhi is a day which celebrates the brother-sister relationship. On this auspicious day, siblings express their love and affection towards each other. One of the most beautiful ways of conveying these feelings are Raakhi poems.

A Rakshaa Bandhan poem can explain the incomprehensible and express the unexpressed. This is how poetry plays an important role in our lives. Rakshaa Bandhan poems help us to understand and express thoughts, experiences and feelings. This webpage on Raakhi poems contains some meaningful and heart-touching poems for siblings.

List of Raakhi Poems:

– A Sister Like You

– A Sister is Forever

– Sibling Love

– My Sister and Me

– Raakhi Day is Righteous Day

– A Brother Just Like You

A Sister Like You

Someone who will understand
Who knows the way I feel
In every situation
Her concern is very real
Someone who has walked my ways
Who knows my every need
Times when she would see me cry
Her heart would nearly bleed
Everyone should have a sister
Just the way I do
Richly blessed is what I am
To have a sister like you

A Sister is Forever

by Bruce B. Wilmer

A sister’s a sister forever,
A bond that diminishes never,,
A friend who is kindly and caring,,
A sibling God chooses for sharing.,
Few ties as deep and profound,
And with so much affection abound,
Though some thoughts are seldom expressed,
Love endures and survives every test.,
Of the constants that rest in the heart,,
A sister’s a primary part.,
She’ll always be there when you need her,
You listen, you value, you heed her.,
As growth, independence you ponder,,
Your feelings grow deeper and fonder;,
And life tells you one thing that is true:,
A sister’s a large part of you.

Sibling Love

Growing up as kids we were blessed
To have come from a loving home
Parents that guided and loved us
And never did us wrong.

We had a beautiful childhood
Many memories we all hold
We’ve always had that sibling bond
That’s more precious than gold.

Mom and Dad had it hard
Raising six kids way back then
But we never went hungry or unclothed
And their love was Heaven sent.

I’m thankful that we were loved
Something money could never buy
This was the richness that filled our hearts
Because Mom and Dad always tried.

Now as I’m getting older
I’ve learnt to appreciate things much more
I’m thankful we loved each other
And each one of you I adore.

Today I want to say to each of you
I Love You with my whole heart
I’ll Love You beyond this lifetime
And my love will never stop.
Ann Stareyes

My Sister and Me

We laugh,
we cry,
we make time fly.
Best friends are we
my sister and me.

Raakhi Day is Righteous Day

by A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

This full moon day our hearts are in brim
Feeling of faith and serenity in mind.
We light the lamps and our hears glow
Radiance of happiness and peace are in flow.
Harmonious homes are like streams of joy
Flowing and flourishing the landscape en route.
Nobility in heart and character in deed
Righteous homes alone make a beautiful State.
Sisters will tie the thread on the brothers
Abiding them to do only what is right and clean.
Put the Kumkum and blessed rice on the head
Where will dwell right thoughts and noble action.

A Brother Just Like You

I just want to let you know
You mean the world to me
Only a heart as dear as yours
Would give so unselfishly

The many things you’ve done
All the times that you were there
Help me know deep down inside
How much you really care

Even though I might not say
I appreciate all you do
Richly blessed is how I feel
Having a brother just like you.

25. Raakhi Thali Decoration

Traditionally the Raakhi thali is the same as the thali for the pooja of the deities. The Raakhi Thali contains a diya, roli or tika, rice, sandalwood, incense sticks. In the Rakshaa bandhan thali, the raakhis are kept along with the moli.

These days there are a lot many variations of the raakhi thali available in the market. The thali or the plate could be of silver or brass or simple steel. They may have fixed containers and stands for the various components of the pooja or have complimenting incense stick stands and diyas, containers for rice and roli and place to keep sweets.

You can innovate your own way of decorating the raakhi thali. Brass or silver or silver plated raakhi thali are considered most auspicious. One of the essentials is drawing a Swastika in the middle of the raakhi thali, the symbol of Lord Ganesha. You need three tiny containers for roli, rice and water, a diya and an insence stick stand. Raakhi and flowers can be places in the thali itself and sweets can accompany in a separate plate.

You can use Beatle leaves as a replacement of the containers. Beatle leaves are considered auspicious.

You can put a banana leaf on an ordinary tali to give it a festive look and arrange the pooja ingredients on the banana leaf.

You may decorate the raakhi thali with a yellow or red cotton bandhani cloth and decorate with gota ( Golden lace) or moli . Take care that diya and the burning encense sticks don’t come in direct contact with the cloth.

Create a sacred aura by placing a jute mat and asans and arrange your things on it. It is upto ones own imagination and the traditional perspectives to decorate the raakhi thali and perform the ceremony. Be your innovative self and enjoy the auspices of the day.

Raakhi Thali Decoration Idea with Sandalwood:

1. Swab sandalwood paste with water over entire thali. After it is dry, make an auspicious Swastika with Roli (Red kumkum) at the center of thali.

2. Decorate the space between Swastika with yellow petals of marigold, and the entire swastika with a boundary box of rose petals. Circle edge boundary of thali with rose petals.

3. Decorate the thali fringe with satin, beads and tassels.

4. Place beetle leaves at the centre and on four sides of the thali. Place roli, Raakhi, akshat and sweets on all four beetle leaves. Place the diya on the center beetle leaf.

5. Decorate the space between beetle leaves with dry fruits.

6. You Thali is ready for Raakhi tying ceremony.

Raakhi Featured Image

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Telegram is a cloud service. We store messages, photos, videos and documents from your cloud chats on our servers so that you can access your data from any of your devices anytime without having to rely on third-party backups. This way local engineers or physical intruders cannot get access to user data.

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(2) (b) WhatsApp files (photos, audios, videos, documents) and texts occupying too much phone storage device. Read more…Click here to open link.

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Telegram Secret Chats are one-on-one chats wherein messages are encrypted with a key held only by the chat’s participants. Note that the schema for these end-to-end encrypted Secret Chats is different from what is used for cloud chats.

(4) WhatsApp Draining Your Phone’s Battery Too? This Could Be The Reason. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/apps/whatsapp-draining-your-phones-battery-too-this-could-be-the-reason.html to view webpage with the browser.

(5) WhatsApp warning: How a single phone call hacked phones worldwide. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/science-technology/1276195/WhatsApp-hack-how-single-call-compromised-phones to view webpage with the browser.

(6) WhatsApp virus is a term used for a variety of malware and scams directed towards this popular communications app. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.2-spyware.com/remove-whatsapp-virus.html#qm-h2-1 to view webpage with the browser.

(7) New Warning for WhatsApp Users Over Account Suspension ‘Hack’. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2021/04/10/shock-new-warning-for-millions-of-whatsapp-users-on-apple-iphone-and-google-android-phones/?sh=2b33ce0d7585 to view webpage with the browser.

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(8) This dangerous WhatsApp scam can access your personal and financial details. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.gadgetsnow.com/tech-news/this-dangerous-whatsapp-scam-can-access-your-personal-and-financial-details/articleshow/88519735.cms to view webpage with the browser.

(9) Your WhatsApp, Facebook data isn’t safe! Malicious apps that steal data found on Play Store. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.businesstoday.in/buzztop/buzztop-technology/your-whatsapp-facebook-data-isnt-safe-malicious-apps-that-steal-data-found-on-play-store/story/307472.html to view webpage with the browser.

(10) Dangerous new spyware can steal your WhatsApp messages and take photos using your smartphone camera without your permission and admit it’s been around for FIVE YEARS already. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/5359250/what-is-skygofree-spyware-how-to-stay-safe-whatsapp/ to view webpage with the browser.

(11) One of the most-advanced Android malware discovered; can even ‘steal’ your WhatsApp messages. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/digital-security/one-of-the-most-advanced-android-malware-discovered-can-even-steal-your-whatsapp-messages/62548876 to view webpage with the browser.

(12) One billion users of the messaging service are now promised full encryption. Which can only mean the spooks will retaliate elsewhere. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/10/whatsapp-encryption-billion-users-data-security to view webpage with the browser.

(13) Wormable Android malware is spreading through WhatsApp messages. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.itpro.co.uk/security/malware/359133/new-android-malware-discovered-that-spreads-through-whatsapp-messages to view webpage with the browser.

(14) Malicious WhatsApp mod infects Android devices with malware. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/malicious-whatsapp-mod-infects-android-devices-with-malware/ to view webpage with the browser.

(15) WhatsApp joinable calls feature can increase risk of eavesdropping through cyberattack: Kaspersky. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/whatsapp-joinable-calls-feature-can-increase-risk-of-eavesdropping-through-cyberattack-kaspersky/84640328 to view webpage with the browser.

(16) WhatsApp hijack scam continues to spread. Read more…Click here to open link.

 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57357301.amp to view webpage with the browser.

(17) 8 Ways Your WhatsApp Messages Can Be Hacked. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-whatsapp-messages-can-hacked/ to view webpage with the browser.

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