9th Day – Goddess Siddhidathri

Ninth Durgaa us Siddhidathri. There are eight Siddhis , they are- Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Iishitva & Vashitva. Maha Sakthi gives all these Siddhies. It is said in “Devipuran” that the Supreme God Shiv got all these Siddhies by worshipping Maha Sakthi. With her gratitude the half body of Shiv has became of Goddess and there fore his name “Ardhanarishvar” has became famous. The Goddess drives on Lion. She has four hands and looks pleased. This form of Durgaa is worshiped by all Gods, Rishis-Munis, Siddhas, Yogis, Sadhakas and devotees for attaining the best religious asset.

Origin: In the beginning of the universe Lord Rudra worshipped Adi-Parashakthi for creation. It is believed that Goddess Adi-Parashakthi had no form. The supreme Goddess of Power, Adi-Parashakthi, appeared in the form of Siddhidathri from the left half of Lord Shiva.


Useful Telegram Features You Should Be Using If You Aren't Already

Telegram provides unlimited cloud storage. This means all your text messages, images media files & documents will be saved on their cloud without losing any data, you don’t need to worry about backup & restore. Telegram Private Groups cannot be found with an in-app search. The group is private, after all that you can use the 2,00,000 member limit fully. Telegram Channels are a tool for broadcasting public (or) private messages to large audiences, similarly as you do on Twitter or Facebook Page. In fact, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers. Telegram Private Channels cannot be found with an in-app search. Group video calls on Telegram allow 30 users to broadcast from their camera as well as their screens. This can now be watched by 1,000 people at once (updated by 1st August 2021). Users can hold anything event online, from lectures to concerts and everything in between, similarly as Zoom or Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.

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Navraathri Worship: Goddess Siddhidathri is worshipped on the ninth day of Navraathri.

Governing Planet: It is believed that Goddess Siddhidathri provides direction and energy to planet Ketu. Hence planet Ketu is governed by her.

Iconography: Goddess Siddhidathri sits on Kamal and rides on the lion. She is depicted with four hands. She has Gada in the one right hand, Chakra in the other right hand, lotus flower in the one left hand and Shankh in the other left hand.

Details: She is the Goddess who possesses and bestows all type of Siddhis to her devotees. Even Lord Shiva got all Siddhis by grace of Goddess Siddhidathri. She is worshipped by not only humans but also by Deva, Gandharva, Asura, Yaksha and Siddha. Lord Shiva got the title of Ardha-Narishwar when Goddess Siddhidathri appeared from his left half.

Devanagari Name: सिद्धिदात्री

Favourite Flower: Night blooming jasmine (रात की रानी)


ॐ देवी सिद्धिदात्र्यै नमः॥

Om Devi Siddhidatryai Namah॥


सिद्ध गन्धर्व यक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी॥

Siddha Gandharva Yakshadyairasurairamarairapi।
Sevyamana Sada Bhuyat Siddhida Siddhidayini॥


या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Siddhidatri Rupena Samsthita।
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥


वन्दे वाञ्छित मनोरथार्थ चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्।
कमलस्थिताम् चतुर्भुजा सिद्धीदात्री यशस्विनीम्॥
स्वर्णवर्णा निर्वाणचक्र स्थिताम् नवम् दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्।
शङ्ख, चक्र, गदा, पद्मधरां सिद्धीदात्री भजेम्॥
पटाम्बर परिधानां मृदुहास्या नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।
मञ्जीर, हार, केयूर, किङ्किणि रत्नकुण्डल मण्डिताम्॥
प्रफुल्ल वन्दना पल्लवाधरां कान्त कपोला पीन पयोधराम्।
कमनीयां लावण्यां श्रीणकटिं निम्ननाभि नितम्बनीम्॥

Vande Vanchhita Manorathartha Chandrardhakritashekharam।
Kamalasthitam Chaturbhuja Siddhidatri Yashasvinim॥
Swarnavarnna Nirvanachakra Sthitam Navam Durga Trinetram।
Shankha, Chakra, Gada, Padmadharam Siddhidatri Bhajem॥
Patambara Paridhanam Mriduhasya Nanalankara Bhushitam।
Manjira, Hara, Keyura, Kinkini, Ratnakundala Manditam॥
Praphulla Vandana Pallavadharam Kanta Kapolam Pin Payodharam।
Kamaniyam Lavanyam Shrinakati Nimnanabhi Nitambanim॥


कञ्चनाभा शङ्खचक्रगदापद्मधरा मुकुटोज्वलो।
स्मेरमुखी शिवपत्नी सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
पटाम्बर परिधानां नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।
नलिस्थिताम् नलनार्क्षी सिद्धीदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
परमानन्दमयी देवी परब्रह्म परमात्मा।
परमशक्ति, परमभक्ति, सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
विश्वकर्ती, विश्वभर्ती, विश्वहर्ती, विश्वप्रीता।
विश्व वार्चिता, विश्वातीता सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
भुक्तिमुक्तिकारिणी भक्तकष्टनिवारिणी।
भवसागर तारिणी सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥
धर्मार्थकाम प्रदायिनी महामोह विनाशिनीं।
मोक्षदायिनी सिद्धीदायिनी सिद्धिदात्री नमोऽस्तुते॥

Kanchanabha Shankhachakragadapadmadhara Mukatojvalo।
Smeramukhi Shivapatni Siddhidatri Namoastute॥
Patambara Paridhanam Nanalankara Bhushitam।
Nalisthitam Nalanarkshi Siddhidatri Namoastute॥
Paramanandamayi Devi Parabrahma Paramatma।
Paramashakti, Paramabhakti, Siddhidatri Namoastute॥
Vishvakarti, Vishvabharti, Vishvaharti, Vishvaprita।
Vishva Varchita, Vishvatita Siddhidatri Namoastute॥
Bhuktimuktikarini Bhaktakashtanivarini।
Bhavasagara Tarini Siddhidatri Namoastute॥
Dharmarthakama Pradayini Mahamoha Vinashinim।
Mokshadayini Siddhidayini Siddhidatri Namoastute॥


ॐकारः पातु शीर्षो माँ, ऐं बीजम् माँ हृदयो।
हीं बीजम् सदापातु नभो गृहो च पादयो॥
ललाट कर्णो श्रीं बीजम् पातु क्लीं बीजम् माँ नेत्रम्‌ घ्राणो।
कपोल चिबुको हसौ पातु जगत्प्रसूत्यै माँ सर्ववदनो॥

Omkarah Patu Shirsho Maa, Aim Bijam Maa Hridayo।
Him Bijam Sadapatu Nabho Griho Cha Padayo॥
Lalata Karno Shrim Bijam Patu Klim Bijam Maa Netram Ghrano।
Kapola Chibuko Hasau Patu Jagatprasutyai Maa Sarvavadano॥


Telegram Parts

A. Simple: Telegram is so simple you already know how to use it.
B. Private: Telegram messages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct.
C. Synced: Telegram lets you access your chats from multiple devices.
D. Fast: Telegram delivers messages faster than any other application such WhatsApp, Signal etc.
E. Powerful: Telegram has no limits on the size of your media and chats.
F. Open: Telegram has an open API and source code free for everyone.
G. Secure: Telegram keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks.
H. Expressive: Telegram lets you completely customise your messenger.

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जय सिद्धिदात्री माँ तू सिद्धि की दाता। तु भक्तों की रक्षक तू दासों की माता॥
तेरा नाम लेते ही मिलती है सिद्धि। तेरे नाम से मन की होती है शुद्धि॥
कठिन काम सिद्ध करती हो तुम। जभी हाथ सेवक के सिर धरती हो तुम॥
तेरी पूजा में तो ना कोई विधि है। तू जगदम्बें दाती तू सर्व सिद्धि है॥
रविवार को तेरा सुमिरन करे जो। तेरी मूर्ति को ही मन में धरे जो॥
तू सब काज उसके करती है पूरे। कभी काम उसके रहे ना अधूरे॥
तुम्हारी दया और तुम्हारी यह माया। रखे जिसके सिर पर मैया अपनी छाया॥
सर्व सिद्धि दाती वह है भाग्यशाली। जो है तेरे दर का ही अम्बें सवाली॥
हिमाचल है पर्वत जहां वास तेरा। महा नंदा मंदिर में है वास तेरा॥
मुझे आसरा है तुम्हारा ही माता। भक्ति है सवाली तू जिसकी दाता॥


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Telegram Features that WhatsApp is Missing

Better Way: Delete your WhatsApp and Change to Telegram

Delete WhatsApp, better Switch to Telegram

WhatsApp : Illegal Effect : Hacking is growing at High Risk in future

(1) WhatsApp does not store messages on its servers, so if cybercriminals were to hack into the platform, they would not be able to decrypt any of the messages.

Telegram is a cloud service. We store messages, photos, videos and documents from your cloud chats on our servers so that you can access your data from any of your devices anytime without having to rely on third-party backups. This way local engineers or physical intruders cannot get access to user data.

(2) (a) Additionally, WhatsApp does not have the key to see encrypted messages. By default, WhatsApp stores messages in a way that allows them to be backed up to the cloud by iOS or Android. WhatsApp store in phone storage device occupies more space.

(2) (b) WhatsApp files (photos, audios, videos, documents) and texts occupying too much phone storage device. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/whatsapp-files-occupying-too-much-phone-storage-heres-what-you-can-do-279321-2020-11-21 to view webpage with the browser.

Telegram provides unlimited cloud storage. This means all your text messages, images media files & documents will be saved on their cloud without losing any data, you don’t need to worry about backup & restore.

(3) WhatsApp: Uncrackable problem of end-to-end encryption: Lack of Security

Telegram Secret Chats are one-on-one chats wherein messages are encrypted with a key held only by the chat’s participants. Note that the schema for these end-to-end encrypted Secret Chats is different from what is used for cloud chats.

(4) WhatsApp Draining Your Phone’s Battery Too? This Could Be The Reason. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/apps/whatsapp-draining-your-phones-battery-too-this-could-be-the-reason.html to view webpage with the browser.

(5) WhatsApp warning: How a single phone call hacked phones worldwide. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/science-technology/1276195/WhatsApp-hack-how-single-call-compromised-phones to view webpage with the browser.

(6) WhatsApp virus is a term used for a variety of malware and scams directed towards this popular communications app. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.2-spyware.com/remove-whatsapp-virus.html#qm-h2-1 to view webpage with the browser.

(7) New Warning for WhatsApp Users Over Account Suspension ‘Hack’. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2021/04/10/shock-new-warning-for-millions-of-whatsapp-users-on-apple-iphone-and-google-android-phones/?sh=2b33ce0d7585 to view webpage with the browser.

Telegram Privacy Policy: Read more: https://telegram.org/privacy

(8) This dangerous WhatsApp scam can access your personal and financial details. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.gadgetsnow.com/tech-news/this-dangerous-whatsapp-scam-can-access-your-personal-and-financial-details/articleshow/88519735.cms to view webpage with the browser.

(9) Your WhatsApp, Facebook data isn’t safe! Malicious apps that steal data found on Play Store. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.businesstoday.in/buzztop/buzztop-technology/your-whatsapp-facebook-data-isnt-safe-malicious-apps-that-steal-data-found-on-play-store/story/307472.html to view webpage with the browser.

(10) Dangerous new spyware can steal your WhatsApp messages and take photos using your smartphone camera without your permission and admit it’s been around for FIVE YEARS already. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/5359250/what-is-skygofree-spyware-how-to-stay-safe-whatsapp/ to view webpage with the browser.

(11) One of the most-advanced Android malware discovered; can even ‘steal’ your WhatsApp messages. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/digital-security/one-of-the-most-advanced-android-malware-discovered-can-even-steal-your-whatsapp-messages/62548876 to view webpage with the browser.

(12) One billion users of the messaging service are now promised full encryption. Which can only mean the spooks will retaliate elsewhere. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/10/whatsapp-encryption-billion-users-data-security to view webpage with the browser.

(13) Wormable Android malware is spreading through WhatsApp messages. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.itpro.co.uk/security/malware/359133/new-android-malware-discovered-that-spreads-through-whatsapp-messages to view webpage with the browser.

(14) Malicious WhatsApp mod infects Android devices with malware. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/malicious-whatsapp-mod-infects-android-devices-with-malware/ to view webpage with the browser.

(15) WhatsApp joinable calls feature can increase risk of eavesdropping through cyberattack: Kaspersky. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/whatsapp-joinable-calls-feature-can-increase-risk-of-eavesdropping-through-cyberattack-kaspersky/84640328 to view webpage with the browser.

(16) WhatsApp hijack scam continues to spread. Read more…Click here to open link.

 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57357301.amp to view webpage with the browser.

(17) 8 Ways Your WhatsApp Messages Can Be Hacked. Read more…Click here to open link.

https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-whatsapp-messages-can-hacked/ to view webpage with the browser.

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Telegram Messenger Web  ( https://web.telegram.org/#/login ) always easy and faster than all emails (Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Microsoft Office 365, Yahoo mail, AOL, etc) and also Instant Messenger. Available on the Telegram Desktop for Microsoft Windows / Apple Mac / Linux. Telegram Messenger is better than WhatsApp, Signal, WhatsApp Business, Microsoft Kaizala, WeChat, Hike, Line, Viber, Hangouts, BBM & Facebook Messenger for saving battery and phone storage with your Smartphone. Telegram for iPhone / iPad available on the App Store for iOS devices. https://telegram.org

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Telegram provides unlimited cloud storage. This means all your text messages, images media files & documents will be saved on their cloud without losing any data, you don’t need to worry about backup & restore. Telegram Private Groups cannot be found with an in-app search. The group is private, after all that you can use the 2,00,000 member limit fully. Telegram Channels are a tool for broadcasting public (or) private messages to large audiences, similarly as you do on Twitter or Facebook Page. In fact, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers. Telegram Private Channels cannot be found with an in-app search. Group video calls on Telegram allow 30 users to broadcast from their camera as well as their screens. This can now be watched by 1,000 people at once (updated by 1st August 2021). Users can hold anything event online, from lectures to concerts and everything in between, similarly as Zoom or Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.

A. Simple: Telegram is so simple you already know how to use it.
B. Private: Telegram messages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct.
C. Synced: Telegram lets you access your chats from multiple devices.
D. Fast: Telegram delivers messages faster than any other application such WhatsApp, Signal etc.
E. Powerful: Telegram has no limits on the size of your media and chats.
F. Open: Telegram has an open API and source code free for everyone.
G. Secure: Telegram keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks.
H. Expressive: Telegram lets you completely customise your messenger.

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